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John Clapham
Jul 21, 20247 min read
Smarter Small Steps for Change and Transformation
Small steps bring lasting sustainable change. They sit at the core of agile, habit formation, coaching, transformation and even running.

John Clapham
Jun 27, 20245 min read
Say No Bingo
“Say no bingo” is an exercise which encourages teams to notice and challenge ways of thinking that limit their performance and potential

John Clapham
May 3, 20245 min read
Flow Motifs - What football passing patterns can teach tech teams
Flow motifs describe passing (flow) between players, and crucially recognise flow is backwards, forwards, almost any potentially productive

John Clapham
Apr 28, 20246 min read
Walking and coaching - perfect partners for busy professionals
If you’re keen to stay sharp and figure things out, walking, the outdoors and coaching make a potent combination. This post introduces how

John Clapham
Dec 14, 20237 min read
Nine smart ways to deal with meeting requests
Nine ways to be smart about meeting requests. These small steps improve your schedule, invite collaboration, learning and improvement.

John Clapham
Oct 31, 20235 min read
Creating Delightful Conference Talks - Of Wisdom, Warmth and Whimsy
What makes a delightful insightful conference talk? I think its the right blend of wisdom, warmth and whimsey.

John Clapham
Sep 19, 20235 min read
Do you suffer from FOAM? (Fear Of Another Meeting)
In the face of FOAM (Fear Of Another Meeting) we are rendered helpless, minds freeze, we accept and attend meetings without consideration...

John Clapham
Mar 23, 202310 min read
Engaging Onboarding - Start With New Starts
Thinking deliberately and differently about the joining experience benefits the new start and those already part of the organisation.

John Clapham
Feb 17, 20236 min read
Noticing differently, the fine art of stretching the world
What do free runners and entrepreneurs have in common? Answer: They excel at spotting and seizing opportunities in their environment.

John Clapham
Jan 13, 20233 min read
The (Cat) Blob Tree Coaching Exercise
The Cat Blob Tree is a prompt for coaching conversations, it's a homage to the Blob Tree by Pip Wilson, with added cat appeal.

John Clapham
Dec 7, 20224 min read
Solution Focus Coaching Goes To The Movies
One of the things I particularly appreciate about a Solution Focus Coaching approach is the ease with which it can be tailored to suit...

John Clapham
Nov 23, 20225 min read
Transformation, hiking and the importance of knowing where you actually are.
I was properly stuck, I’d hiked around in rain and fog for almost an hour, getting colder and wetter and muddier. My pack wasn’t getting...

John Clapham
Nov 14, 20224 min read
Are Organisational Limiting Beliefs Holding Your Team Back?
Listen carefully in your organisation and you'll notice patterns, similar phrases used as justification to do, or not do something.

John Clapham
Oct 21, 20224 min read
Tips for Successful Habit Building
Effective tips to work towards your goals using a Habit Builder: Plan It
Print It, Personalise It, Stick With It, Get back To It.

John Clapham
Oct 14, 20224 min read
How to use a Habit Builder
This guide explains how to use our Habit Builder to make progress towards your work and life goals. It's applicable to most Habit Trackers.

John Clapham
Oct 7, 20223 min read
What on earth is a Habit Builder and why use one?
Habit Builders help you work towards goals and get things done by providing an engaging way to visualise, assess and celebrate progress.
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